(My deepest sympathy to the survivors of this tragedy and the families of all the victims. This post is directed to the rest of us, who if we can organize and form a citizens' group of sorts, might prevent another such incident).
Nevertheless, here we are again! And do you think that after another massacre caused by lax gun laws and ammo purchased through the Internet, there will be any reform on gun control?
Not unless we act. The gun lobby is now the “sugar daddy” of the U.S. Congress, supplying them with perks and supporting campaigns for re-election. We therefore pay (with our taxes) for a weak, flaccid congress which is terrified of the gun lobby, doesn't make waves and continues to allow mayhem across the nation dating back at least as far as the Columbine massacre thirteen years ago.
President Clinton signed a Federal Assault Weapon ban in 1994 which was allowed to expire in 2004 under the Bush administration. As a result, every weapon purchased by this confused young man, who has admitted to perpetrating the murders at the movie theatre in Aurora, CO on July 20, and every round of ammo in his possession, was apparently legal and purchased over a period of several months from gun stores and the Internet.
Do we never learn? Why do we need semi-automatic rifle fire and high capacity gun clips which most gaming authorities do not allow? We obviously don't need them to hunt or to protect our homes. Let’s think about this a moment:
Have you read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
Text of Amendment:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment, the bible of the powerful NRA, states that we have a right to bear arms to protect our country. That’s about it. Everything else is open for interpretation. “. . .a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state…” meaning that we can go to war as a citizen soldier in order to protect our homes and our land. That’s my interpretation of it.
But, we no longer have a militia; we have a standing army. So in literal terms, we don't have to take up arms to defend ourselves -- at least not from foreign marauders. The Court's interpretation in 2008 (DC vs Heller) held that the Second Amendment protected an individual's right to possess a firearm without any connection to a militia and to use that firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as protecting hearth and home. I can live with that.
What it does not do is allow us personal ownership of the types of weapons now available, the likes of which were never remotely imagined when the second amendment was conceived. It does not grant us the right to take down an eager young audience waiting for a much publicized fantasy thriller nor does it give us the right to shoot an unarmed teenager coming home from a visit with his girlfriend in Florida, nor does it say that we can blow away a U.S. Congresswoman almost killing her simply because she made herself publicly available to constituents in a Safeway parking lot.
And here, I must refute the most profoundly stupid statement I've ever heard, recently made by one U.S. Congressman who speculates that had there been more people from the audience armed that night, there might have been fewer deaths. Seriously? With the type of protective gear this guy was wearing covering him from head to toe? Can you imagine the scene had some of the audience been armed? -- in a panic and shooting randomely in the dark, hitting not the perpetrator but -- each other? Please!
Movies are a part of Americana and we should not stop going to movies. We should not be held hostage to fear. And as some have maintained, we must keep in sight the miracle that more were not killed. I agree. But when will it stop? Where can we be safe from gun-toting mal-contents and screwed up grad students? Increasingly, we're allowing guns to rules our lives.
To quote myself from my blog regarding the Tucson shooting in January of 2011:
"We not only encourage incivility on the cable news shows, we reward networks who air blood-curdling TV dramas and movies of such considerable violence, that even I, a grown woman, have to walk out of the theatre in disgust and nausea. Guns are wielded on every channel -- try flicking across the networks one evening during prime time and you will witness a gun -- being discharged against someone or being used as a threat against someone -- guns on TV are as common as tasteless advertisements."
I don't condone doing away with guns but I propose regulating the ownership and use of them. Ask the incredibly effective Aurora Police Department, whose performance early Friday morning was flawless. Ask their Chief, the no nonsense Dan Oates, whether he thinks the current gun laws are reasonable. Ask any active police officer.
It is long past time to act. We need to do something about the loose gun laws, before another preventable incident such as this takes place. Think people! Neither the Congress nor the NRA owns us. We can fire Congress and replace them with real patriots who will do the will of the people. We are the people. Let us do something.
Please see my blog of January, 2011 regarding the shootings at Tucson, AZ:
Nevertheless, here we are again! And do you think that after another massacre caused by lax gun laws and ammo purchased through the Internet, there will be any reform on gun control?
Not unless we act. The gun lobby is now the “sugar daddy” of the U.S. Congress, supplying them with perks and supporting campaigns for re-election. We therefore pay (with our taxes) for a weak, flaccid congress which is terrified of the gun lobby, doesn't make waves and continues to allow mayhem across the nation dating back at least as far as the Columbine massacre thirteen years ago.
President Clinton signed a Federal Assault Weapon ban in 1994 which was allowed to expire in 2004 under the Bush administration. As a result, every weapon purchased by this confused young man, who has admitted to perpetrating the murders at the movie theatre in Aurora, CO on July 20, and every round of ammo in his possession, was apparently legal and purchased over a period of several months from gun stores and the Internet.
Do we never learn? Why do we need semi-automatic rifle fire and high capacity gun clips which most gaming authorities do not allow? We obviously don't need them to hunt or to protect our homes. Let’s think about this a moment:
Have you read the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
Text of Amendment:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
The Second Amendment, the bible of the powerful NRA, states that we have a right to bear arms to protect our country. That’s about it. Everything else is open for interpretation. “. . .a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state…” meaning that we can go to war as a citizen soldier in order to protect our homes and our land. That’s my interpretation of it.
But, we no longer have a militia; we have a standing army. So in literal terms, we don't have to take up arms to defend ourselves -- at least not from foreign marauders. The Court's interpretation in 2008 (DC vs Heller) held that the Second Amendment protected an individual's right to possess a firearm without any connection to a militia and to use that firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as protecting hearth and home. I can live with that.
What it does not do is allow us personal ownership of the types of weapons now available, the likes of which were never remotely imagined when the second amendment was conceived. It does not grant us the right to take down an eager young audience waiting for a much publicized fantasy thriller nor does it give us the right to shoot an unarmed teenager coming home from a visit with his girlfriend in Florida, nor does it say that we can blow away a U.S. Congresswoman almost killing her simply because she made herself publicly available to constituents in a Safeway parking lot.
And here, I must refute the most profoundly stupid statement I've ever heard, recently made by one U.S. Congressman who speculates that had there been more people from the audience armed that night, there might have been fewer deaths. Seriously? With the type of protective gear this guy was wearing covering him from head to toe? Can you imagine the scene had some of the audience been armed? -- in a panic and shooting randomely in the dark, hitting not the perpetrator but -- each other? Please!
Movies are a part of Americana and we should not stop going to movies. We should not be held hostage to fear. And as some have maintained, we must keep in sight the miracle that more were not killed. I agree. But when will it stop? Where can we be safe from gun-toting mal-contents and screwed up grad students? Increasingly, we're allowing guns to rules our lives.
To quote myself from my blog regarding the Tucson shooting in January of 2011:
"We not only encourage incivility on the cable news shows, we reward networks who air blood-curdling TV dramas and movies of such considerable violence, that even I, a grown woman, have to walk out of the theatre in disgust and nausea. Guns are wielded on every channel -- try flicking across the networks one evening during prime time and you will witness a gun -- being discharged against someone or being used as a threat against someone -- guns on TV are as common as tasteless advertisements."
I don't condone doing away with guns but I propose regulating the ownership and use of them. Ask the incredibly effective Aurora Police Department, whose performance early Friday morning was flawless. Ask their Chief, the no nonsense Dan Oates, whether he thinks the current gun laws are reasonable. Ask any active police officer.
It is long past time to act. We need to do something about the loose gun laws, before another preventable incident such as this takes place. Think people! Neither the Congress nor the NRA owns us. We can fire Congress and replace them with real patriots who will do the will of the people. We are the people. Let us do something.
Please see my blog of January, 2011 regarding the shootings at Tucson, AZ: